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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle question bank

1. The Sangai Festival is organized in __:

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2. The “Helmand Province” of Afghanistan is famous for cultivation of __:

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3. In which state, Green Partners conservation programme aimed at turtle conservation is being organised?
[D]Tamil Nadu

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4. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a trade agreement under negotiation between European Union and __?

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5. Which among the following river does not flow from east to west?

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6. Who wrote ‘Indian War of Independence, 1857′?
[A] R.C Majumdar
[B] V.D. Savarkar
[C] S.B. Chaudhary
[D] S.N. Sen

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7. Dalhousie’s worst political blunder was ___?
[A] Annexation of Punjab
[B] Occupation of lower Burma
[C] Abolition of the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’
[D] Annexation of Oudh

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8. The Congress is in reality a civil war without arms.
The above statement was made by ___?
[A] W. Wedderburn
[B] Sir Saiyid Ahmad Khan
[C] D.W. Bethune
[D] Lord Dufferin

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9. The Governor General of India at the time of foundation of Indian National Congress was __?
[A] Lord Chelmsford
[B] Lord Dalhousie
[C] Lord Dufferin
[D] None of these

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10. Who among the following founded Theosophical Society in USA?
[A] Dr. Annie Besant
[B] A. O. Hume
[C] Tilak and Gokhale
[D] Madam Blavatsky and Olcott

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