Bairam Khan
Bairam Khan, the old Turkman officer was from Badakshan and his father as well as grandfather was in service of BaburBabur 1526-1530 Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur is one of the most captivating figures of Indian historyIndian history. Babur was a link between the predatory swarms and the ...... He was one of the powerful statesmen in the court of Mughals, who truly realized the divided and leaderless state of India and assisted in establishment of Mughal Empire. He was a centerpiece of the AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the .....'s conquests till second Battle of Panipat.
Bairam Khan was a Persian poet and wrote verses in Chagatai, Persian and Turkish.
He was father of the celebrated Abdul Rahim Khan-i-khana, the popular Rahim, a poet of Bhakti Era, one of the 9 jewels of Akbar and translator of Baburnama from Chagatai to Persian.