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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Buddhist Scholars

The most important turning point in the expansion of Buddhism in India was the emergence and conversion of AsokaAshokavardhana or Asoka was governor of Taxila and Ujjain during the reign of his father Bindusara. The Sri Lankan texts represent Asoka as "wading through ..... the Great (304–232 BC). He embraced Buddhism after 8 years of his coronation, he became a Buddhist and made it his state religion in 260 BC. He convened the third Buddhist council, which was held in Pataliputra in the presidency of Moggaliputta Tissa. He launched a vigorous campaign to propagate Buddhism which could be called Asoka's Dhamma. The main scholars of Buddha are as follows:


Aśvaghosa is the Greatest Indian Poet Prior to KalidasaThere are several stories about life of Kalidasa, though none of them seems to be authentic. However, the most famous story about life of Kalidasa ...... he is known as first Sanskrit Dramatist. His epicsRamayan: Created by Maharishi Valmiki. Consists of 24,000 verses in seven books (Kandas) and 500 sargas) and tells the story of Rama. Verses in the ..... rivaled the contemporary Ramayana. He wrote Buddhist texts in Classical Sanskrit. He was the court writer and religious advisor of Kushana king Kanishka. His main works are Buddhacharita, Mahalankara (Book of Glory) and Saundaranandakavya (details the life of Nanda).


Nagarjuna founded the Madhyamika school of Mahayan Buddhism. He was contemporary of Satavahana King Gautamiputra. He was born in a Brahmin family in Nagarjunkonda in modern Andhra PradeshPopulation (2001 Census) : 76210007Males : 38527413Females : 37682594Sex Ratio (Females/1000 Males) : 978Density Of Population (Persons/ Square Km) : 275Urban Population % : 27.08Literacy ...... Due to his birth in Brahmin family and later conversion in Buddhism, it can be justified that his early work was in sanskrit and not in Pali or HybridAny security which has the character of more than one type of security, including their derivatives. sanskrit. Most important work is Mūlamadhyamakakārikā , which means Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way. His theory is also known asShunyavad "emptiness".

Asanga & Vasubandhu:

Both were half brothers and proponents of Yogachara and Abhidhamma Teachings. They were from modern Peshawar in Pakistan. Most important work of Vasubandhu was Abhidharmamoksha.


Buddhaghosa lived the 5th century AD and is known to be one of the greatest Pali scholar. His name means " Voice of Buddha". Considered to be most important commentator of the Theravada. Details of his life have been described in Mahavamsa and Buddhaghosuppatti. Please note Buddhaghosuppatti was not his work. He is said to have gone to Sri Lanka from India's MagadhaMost important Mahajanpada was Magadha. Magadha was located near today's Patna & Gaya. The first notable thing about Magadha was its geographical location which gave ..... and settled in Anuradhapura. The most important work is Visuddhimagga.

Dignāga or Dinnaga:

He is considered to be the founder of Buddhist logic.

Candrakīrti or Chandrakirti:

he was a disciple of Nagarjuna and a scholar at the Nalanda University. Prasannapadā is his main work which means happy words or clear words


Dharmakirti lived in 7th century AD and was primary theorist of Buddhist Sankya. He was a teacher at the Nalanda University and a poet. He has written Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition. He has been called "Kant of India'.

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