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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Gupta Administration

Gupta Administration

There was an efficient administration established in the Gupta Empire. All powers were centred in the Kings but, the rulers did not interfere in the administrations of those regions which accepted their suzerainty. Elaborate administration system was evolved in the regions which were under the direct control of the Gupta Kings. The element of divinity was attached to the kings and they were looked as Gods and God's representatives. The Kings adopted high-sounding titles such as Maharajadhiraj, Paramabhattaraka, Chakravarti, Paramesvara etc. The King was assisted by a council of Ministers. The minister's office was almost hereditary. The supreme judicial power was invested in the King but the Mahadandnayaka carried out the judicial functions. The Gupta Kings created two new classes Sandhivigrahika (Minister of War and Peace) and Kumaramatyas (Offices of the crown Prince). Civil and criminal crimes were demarcated in Gupta Empire.

The following table presents the list of important officials:

MahabaladhikritaCommander in Chief
MahadandnayakaChief Justice
MahapratiharMaintainance of Royal Palaces
Mahasandhivigrahika or SandhivigrahakaWar and Peace
DandpashikaHead of Police department
BhadagaradhikretaRoyal Treasury
VinaysthitisansthapakaEducation Department
SarvadhyakshaInspector of all central departments
VinayapuraOne who represented guests to King’s court
YuktapurushaAccounts of war booty
KhadyapakikaRoyal Kitchen
RanbhandagarikaArms and ammunitions stores

The empire was divided into a number of provinces, which were called Bhuktis. Each Bhukti was further divided into Vishaya or Bhoga which was also known as Adhisthana or Pattana. The smaller level was Vithi which referred to a Tehsil.

A Bhukti was placed under Uparaka and Vishaya under Vishayapati. The village level disputes were solved by the village headmen called gramapati or gramadhyaksha and this was the smallest administration unit. Kutumbis and Mahattaras are other words used for similar village level officers. Chiefs of the Guilds were called Nagarseths who represented the Guild in the urban trading circles. The Sarthavaha also represented the trading communities. The Prathamakulika represented the crafting communities (artisans) and Prathamakayastha represented Government official community.Pustapala were junior (district level) record officers. The terms Nivartana, Kulyavapa and Dronavapa were used for Land measurements. The Araghatta or Ghati Yantras were the instruments of irrigation which were known earlier and now became more popular in Gupta Era.

Types of Taxes in Gupta Era

  • Bali: The Bali which was voluntary in Maurya era and was given to the King became compulsory in Gupta Era.
  • Bhaga: King's share in all produce of the cultivators. It was 1/6th part of produce.
  • Bhoga: Bhoga refers to the tax in kind of gifts, flowers, woods, fruits etc.
  • Hiranya: This was thetax paid in cash (Gold) Hiranya means Gold.
  • Halivakara: Hal means a Plough, so Halivakra was a kind of tax slab, those who owned a plough used to pay tax.
  • Kara: It might have been some irregular tax charged from villagers.
  • Shulka: It was custom or toll tax very much similar to Chungi in modern times.
  • Udinanga: It might be a social security kind of tax.
  • Klipta: It was related to sale and purchase of lands.

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