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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Kushana Empire

As per the Chinese sources, the Kushanas (mentioned in Chinese texts as Guishuang) were one of the 5 tribes of Yueh-Chi or Yuezhi.

  • Kushanas were also known as Tocharians.
  • They were nomadic tribes and easternmost speakers of the Indo-Europeans Languages which were called "Tocharian languages".
  • Their origin is connected to China and also Central Asia. The modern Xiniang and Gansu of China are places where these tribes thrived before 2nd century AD.
  • They were driven out by Xiongnu in around 170 BC.
  • The Construction of the Chinese wall was a big factor of their moving away from the Chinese regions and they moved towards west and south.

Important Kushana Kings are briefed here:

Kujula Kadphises (AD 30-AD 80)

  • Kujula Kadphises was the first Yueh Chi chief who crossed the Hindukush Mountains and laid down the foundation of the Kushana Empire.
  • He established himself in Kabul and Kashmir and is credited for defeat of Last Greek Kings.
  • He adopted the epithet of Dharma-thida.
  • Another epithet adopted by Kujala Kadphises was Sachdharmathida which is coterminous with SatyaDharma Sthitha.
  • Both of the above epithets show that he was interested in both Buddhism as well as Shivaite.

Vima Taktu or Sadashkana (AD 80 -AD 95)

  • Vima Taktu or Sadashkana was / were son/ sons of Kujula Kadphises and it is not sure who among them ruled after Kujula Kadphises or whether this refered to a single person.
  • He is considered to be the predecessor of Vima Kadphises as well as Kanishka-I.
  • He is credited for expansion of Kushana Power into the North West of India.

Vima Kadphises: (AD 95-AD 127)

  • The Rabatak inscription is written on a rock in the Bactrian language and the Greek script. It was found in 1993 at Rabatak, in Afghanistan.
  • This inscription mentions that Vima Kadphises was son of Vima Takto and the father of Kanishka.
  • He was one of the most important kings of the Kushana Empire who is best known for issuing large number of Gold Coins.
  • Vima Kadphises was probably the first to introduce the Gold Coins in India in addition to the Copper and Silver coins.
  • This testifies the prosperity of the Kushana Empire.
  • Vima is also known to have maintained the Silk Route and trade with all sides including the China, Alexandria, and Roman Empire.

Kanishka I

Kanishka-I was the most power ruler of the Kushana Empire and is known for his military prowess. Click Here to read more about Kanishka IKanishka-I was the most power ruler of the Kushana Empire and is known for his military prowess. His main capital was Purushpura (Peshawar) and regional capitals .....


  • Kanishka-I was succeeded by Vāsishka, who had a short reign who is identified with the Vaskushana, Vajheska, Jushka in difefrent sources. Jushkapura near modern Zukar was a city founded by him.

Kanishka II

  • Kanishka II was a successor of Vāsishka and is known to have assumed the title of Kaisar.

Kushana Administration and Life

  • The Kings of the Kushana Empire had assumed eloquent titles such as Maharaj, Rajatiraj (King of Kings) etc.
  • One of the successors of Kanishka was Vasudeva who is considered to be a Shiva worshipper and the figures of Shiva is found on his coins had assumed the title Shaono Shao Vasudeo Kushano.
  • These titles were adopted from their predecessors Shakas and appeared later in coins of all Kushana Kings and inscriptions.

Impact of Kushanas on Art and Culture

Kushana Empire : Some Important Points

  • The great stupa of the Purushpura was not built on direction of the above mentioned kings but was built on direction of Agesilaos.
  • The Cap, Boot and helmet was introduced in India by the central Asian Tribes.
  • Kushanas (Yueh Chi Tribe) is considered to have conducted the Horse trade by sea with the Koying kingdom of modern Malaysia.
  • Largest number of copper coins was issued by the Kushanas.
  • Charsada and Taxila were the karvan cities in Post Maurya Era.
  • Asvaghosa was the first Dramatist who used Sanskrit in composing the plays.
  • Sindoor (Vermillion) and Bamboo was introduced in India by Chinese traders.
  • India was known as Shen-tu in the early Chinese texts.
  • The works of Aśvaghosa were Buddhacharita, Mahalankara, Saundaranandakavya (Saudarananda), Chandistrotra, Vajrasuchi.
  • Sun God has been depicted on the coins of Kanishka-1 and Vāsishka
  • Kujala Kadphises and Kanishka-I adopted and patronized the Buddhism, but Vima Kadphises adopted Shaivism and was a Shiva Devotee.
  • The 4 important schools of Jainism viz. Kottaka, Varana, Aryayudikiya and vesavadiya have been mentioned in the Epigraphic Records of the Kushana Period.

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