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Friday 12 December 2014

1.Regulating Act – Governor General of Bengal – SC at Calcutta – Executive Council with 4 members – Dual Government abolished
2. Pitts India Act – Board of Control – E.C. 4 to 3 – Bombay and Madras subordinate to Bengal
3.1793 Charter Act –Trade Monopoly extended for 20 years – Local Government – Higher Post for Europeans
4. Charter Act 1813 – Monopoly ended – China Opium and Tea for 20 years – Education Advance – Christian Missionary to India
5. Charter Act 1833 – Governor General of India – Law Member Macaulay – Trade Monopoly in China Ended– Governor General can frame Law – Patronage system abolished
6. Charter Act 1853 – Lt. Governor for Bengal – Competitive Exam – Legislative Council with 12 members
7. Government of India Act 1858 – Power Transfer-Secretary of State – India Council - - Home Government – Viceroy – abolition of the Board of Control and Court of Directors
8. Indian Councils Act 1861 – Portfolio System, Legislative Councils in Madras, Bombay and Bengal – Rigid Centralisation – Ordinance making Power of GG
9. Indian Councils Act 1892 – Indirect Election- Budget Discussion, Question - no voting
10.Minto Morley Reforms 1909 – Direct Elections – Separate electorate for Muslims
11. GOI Act 1919 – Dyarchy in Provinces – Central bicameral – two lists – towards responsible Government – Local Govt – UPSC – High Commissioner of India
12. Government of India Act 1935 – Provincial Autonomy – Dyarchy – Abolition in Province – introduced at Centre – Three lists – Indian Council abolished – communal representation extended – Federal Court

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