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Tuesday 16 December 2014

Indian Polity and Constitution Question Bank

31. Deputy Speaker and Speaker of the Lok Sabha may resign by giving in writing to __:
[B]Prime Minister
[C]Leader of House
[D]Each Other

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32. The President of India can nominate to how many members to Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha respectively?
[A]10, 3
[B]12, 2
[C]10, 2
[D]12, 3

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33. The Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar islands comes under the jurisdiction of a __:
[A]Circuit bench of the Bombay High Court at Port Blair
[B]Circuit bench of the Madras High Court at Port Blair
[C]Circuit bench of the Kolkata High Court at Port Blair
[D]Circuit bench of the Supreme Court at Port Blair

Circuit bench of the Kolkata High Court at Port Blair

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34. Lakshadweep is subject to the Jurisdiction of which among the following high courts?
[A]Madras High Court
[B]Kerala High Court
[C]Kolkata High Court
[D]Bombay High Court

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35. Current sanctioned strength of the Supreme Court of India is __:

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36. Constitution of India makes provisions for a person to become judge of supreme court if he/ she has practiced as an advocate in High Court for a minimum period of __:
[A]10 Years
[B]15 Years
[C]12 Years
[D] 8 Years

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37. By which among the following amendments of constitution, Delhi was made the National Capital Territory?

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38. Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 makes provisions for a 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all the States having population of above__:
[A]15 Lakh
[B]20 Lakh
[C]25 Lakh
[D]30 Lakh

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39. Practically, the ‘real executive authority ‘ is vested in a state in ___:
[B]Legislative Council
[C]Legislative Assembly
[D]Council of Ministers

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40. For removal of a Governor from office, the President seeks advice from __:
[A]Council of Ministers
[B]Supreme Court
[C]Chief Minister of the concerned state
[D]None of them

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