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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle question bank

21. The British empire is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direction and tyrannical and mean.
The above statement was made by __?
[A] Mrs. Annie Besant
[B] W. Digby
[C] Sister Nivedita
[D] William Wedderburn

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22. Which among the following was the venue of the INA trial?
[A] Calcutta High Court
[B] Supreme Court
[C] Federal Court
[D] Red Fort

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23. Which among the following was the most revolutionary secret organization of Bengal?
[A] Abhinava Bharat
[B] Mitra Mela
[C] Ghadar Party
[D] Anushilan Samiti

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24. The Grand Old Man of Indian politics was__?
[A] Bipin Chandra Pal
[B] Dadabhai Naoroji
[C] Surendra Nath Bannerjee
[D] Rasbehari Bose

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25. Moderates and the Extremists in the Indian National Congress split in 1907 at __?
[A] Surat
[B] Calcutta
[C] Nagpur
[D] Madras

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26. Who among the following defended Aurbindo Ghosh in the Alipore conspiracy case?
[A] Tej Bahadur Sapru
[B] Motilal Nehru
[C] Jawahar Lal Nehru
[D] Chitranjan Das

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27. Which city is known for the “Jhanda Satyagraha” and observance of the All India Flag Day on June 18, 1923?
[A] Kanpur
[B] Nagpur
[C] Nainital
[D] Bhopal

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28. Which among the following was the venue of All India Khilafat Conference, 1919?
[A] Lucknow
[B] Delhi
[C] Aligarh
[D] Porbandar

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29. Who among the following were the main leaders of Khilafat Movement?
[A] Syed Ahmad Khan and Agha khan
[B] Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali
[C] Muhammad Iqbal and Salimullah Khan
[D] Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Sikandar Hayat Khan

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30. Gandhi’s Dandi March is associated with which among the following movements?
[A] Partition of Bengal
[B] Khilafat Movement
[C] Non-cooperation Movement
[D] Civil Disobedience Movement

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