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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle question bank

141. On which among the following dates, the Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed?
[A]5 March 1931
[B]6 March 1941
[C]4 March 1931
[D]15 March 1931

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142. Who among the following was the author of Anand Math?
[A]Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
[B]Ravindranath Tagore
[C]Raja Ram Mohan Roy
[D]Bal Gangadhar Tilak

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143. The Indian National Association formed in Calcutta by whom among the following?
[A]Dwarkanath Tagore
[B]Surendranath Banerjee
[C]Prasanno Kumar Tagore
[D]Debendranath Tagore

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144. Who among the following edited and published the newspaper Indian Mirror in 1861?
[A]Amitava Ghosh
[B]Ravindranath Tagore
[C]Sumit Ganguly
[D]Manmohan Ghosh and Devendranath Tagore

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145. The first meeting of Indian National Congress was held in Bombay in1885 A.D. under the leadership of __:
[A]Dadabhai Naoroji
[B]Sir C. Sankaran Nair
[C]Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee
[D]Badruddin Tyabji

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146. During the times of Governor-General Lord Ellenborough, which among the following acts declared slavery as illegal ?
[A]Act VI
[B]Act V
[C]Act III

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147. What was the title of the famous work of Dadabhai Naoroji, via which he made important observations about the decline of Indian Economy during the British Era?
[A]Poverty Under British Rule in India
[B]Poverty in British Rule in India
[C]Poverty and Un British Rule in India
[D]Indian Poverty and British Rule

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