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Showing posts with label Medieval History of India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medieval History of India. Show all posts

Thursday 20 November 2014

Maham Anaga & Petticoat Government

The "petticoat government" under Maham Anaga did triumph for a moment. She acted almost as prime minister for a while as her devotion to her foster son AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ..... made her invaluable to him. But, her hopes were wrapped up in her own son Adham Khan, who was pushed forward by her to the high command.

Adham Khan was filled with more pride than loyalty. He was sent to invade Malwa in 1561 along with Pir Muhammad Khan, another general. Baz Bahadur, the sultan of Malwa was defeated in the battle of Sarangpur and Adham Khan tried to get his lover Rani Roopmati, who after taking some time to invite him inside her chamber , poisoned herself to death. Only a part of the booty was sent to Akbar and rest he kept with himself. Miffed Akbar marched to Sarangpur and seized the spoils. His cup was full when, out of envy, he killed Shams-ud-Din Muhammad Ataga Khan, Akbar's one of the favorite generals and then stood on the gate of Akbar's harem looking inside as if he was standing in a sanctuary.

He was thrown twice from the roof of the Palace, and dispatched to the heaven. The news of his death was given by Akbar to his mother, thus broken her heart. She survived but only for 40 days. Akbar got rid of both the mother and son.

Bairam Khan

Bairam Khan

Bairam Khan, the old Turkman officer was from Badakshan and his father as well as grandfather was in service of BaburBabur 1526-1530 Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur is one of the most captivating figures of Indian historyIndian history. Babur was a link between the predatory swarms and the ...... He was one of the powerful statesmen in the court of Mughals, who truly realized the divided and leaderless state of India and assisted in establishment of Mughal Empire. He was a centerpiece of the AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the .....'s conquests till second Battle of Panipat.

  • Bairam Khan was a Persian poet and wrote verses in Chagatai, Persian and Turkish.
  • He was father of the celebrated Abdul Rahim Khan-i-khana, the popular Rahim, a poet of Bhakti Era, one of the 9 jewels of Akbar and translator of Baburnama from Chagatai to Persian.


Akbar, the Great 1556-1605

The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the true founder of the Mughal Empire, but it took him more than two decades to bring Hindustan under his subjection.

When HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... died of the fatal accident, he was mere 13. The territories under him were Punjab and Delhi only. The Afghans still rocked in Bihar, Bengal and Ganga Valley. Rajputs were independent in Rajasthan. India was being ruled by countless chiefs in separate principalities. Kabul remained a separate kingdom under his brother Hakim. Only a small part of Deccan was taken in his entire life.

When his father died, he was in midst of a war with Sikandar Shah at Sirhind. At Kalanaur in Punjab, the 13 year old boy was enthroned by Bairam KhanBairam Khan Bairam Khan, the old Turkman officer was from Badakshan and his father as well as grandfather was in service of Babur. He was one ..... in January 1556 and was proclaimed Shahanshah. Bairam Khan became his protector and co-regent till he comes of his age.


Hemu : 1501-1556

Muhammad Adil Shah sat the throne after killing a Firoz Shah, the 12 year son of Islam Shah SuriIslam Shah Suri Sher Shah was succeeded by Jalal Khan, his son who ascended the throne with title Islam Shah Suri. At Sasaram, Islam Shah Suri ...... Muhammad Adil ShahMuhammad Adil Shah Adil Shah was a debauched brute who left the real power in his trusted Hindu Vazir Hemu. There was a struggle among all ..... was a debauched brute who left the real power in his trusted Hindu Vazir Hemu. There was a struggle among all the Suri cousins such as Sikandar Shah and Ibrahim Shah. Now the Suri Empire was divided into four Suris, none of them was important.

But, at that time, there was a revolt in AgraAgra, or the city of the Taj, as it is known all over the world, is one of the prominent destinations of the World Tourism ..... by one more Sur with the name Ibrahim. This Ibrahim defeated Adil Shah and became Emperor Ibrahim Shah Suri. But all of these surs were controlling separate territories, the broken slices of empire of Sher Shah as follows:

  1. Delhi and Agra were now under Ibrahim Shah Suri
  2. Agra to Bihar was under the defeated Adil Shah Suri.
  3. Another comrade Ahamad Khan Suri, who styled himself as Sikandar Shah Suri took Punjab (Sirhind)
  4. One more fellow Muhammad Khan Suri was now sovereign king of Bengal.

However, this division of empire did not end the rivalry among these Afghan rookies. Men of Sikandar Shah were able to swipe Ibrahim Shah out of Delhi and took possession of Delhi & Agra. The able prime minister of Adil Shah named Hemu appeared in the scene, defeated the Lodis, advanced to Bengal and killed Muhammad Khan Suri.

When HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... died, this able Hindu general who, in his early life was a small time shopkeeper in Rewari in Haryana was in Bengal. He returned and defeated Tardi Beg, the general of Mughals in Agra and then advanced to crush the Mughal forces in Delhi. He defeated the Mughals at Delhi and styled himself with the historic title of "Raja Hemachandra Vikramaditya".

The news reached AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ....., who had been newly proclaimed the "Shahanshah" at Sirhind, was struggling with Sikandar Shah. Sikandar Shah had been drove to the mountains and now Akbar was to fight this new Hindu threat "Hemu". Akbar had the veteran general Bairam KhanBairam Khan Bairam Khan, the old Turkman officer was from Badakshan and his father as well as grandfather was in service of Babur. He was one ..... at his side, who advised him to march Delhi and face Hemu.

Muhammad Adil Shah

Muhammad Adil Shah

Adil Shah was a debauched brute who left the real power in his trusted Hindu Vazir HemuHemu : 1501-1556 Muhammad Adil Shah sat the throne after killing a Firoz Shah, the 12 year son of Islam Shah Suri. Muhammad Adil Shah was ...... There was a struggle among all the Suri cousins such as Sikandar Shah and Ibrahim Shah. Now the Suri Empire was divided into four Suris, none of them was important.

Return of HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... and Death

In 1555, Humayun descended from Kabul with some 15000 horses and routed Sikandar Suri in Punjab. He proceeded further and took easy possession of Delhi and AgraAgra, or the city of the Taj, as it is known all over the world, is one of the prominent destinations of the World Tourism ...... His son AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ..... was sent to pursue the fugitive Afghans. Humayun was now back in power. He had enjoyed the Throne of Delhi merely for 6 months that one day he slipped down the polished stairs of his palace and died at the age of 49. Humayun tumbled throughout his life and so easily tumbled out of it.

The last of Suris

The 12 year old son of Islam Shah SuriIslam Shah Suri Sher Shah was succeeded by Jalal Khan, his son who ascended the throne with title Islam Shah Suri. At Sasaram, Islam Shah Suri ..... had been killed by Muhammad Adil Shah. Adil Shah as mentioned above was a debauched beast, who captured the throne of Delhi. But there was a revolt in Agra by one more Sur with the name Ibrahim. This Ibrahim defeated Adil Shah and became Emperor Ibrahim Shah Suri. But all of these surs were controlling separate territories, the broken slices of empire of Sher Shah as follows:

  1. Delhi and Agra were now under Ibrahim Shah Suri
  2. Agra to Bihar was under the defeated Adil Shah Suri.
  3. Another comrade Ahamad Khan Suri, who styled himself as Sikandar Shah Suri took Punjab (Sirhind)
  4. One more fellow Muhammad Khan Suri was now sovereign king of Bengal.

But this division of empire did not end the rivalry among these Afghan rookies. Men of Sikandar Shah were able to swipe Ibrahim Shah out of Delhi and took possession of Delhi & Agra. The able prime minister of Adil Shah named Hemu appeared in the scene, defeated the Lodis, advanced to Bengal and killed Muhammad Khan Suri.

Islam Shah Suri

Islam Shah Suri

Islam Shah Suri

Sher Shah was succeeded by Jalal Khan, his son who ascended the throne with title Islam Shah Suri.

The succession was not so easy and followed by a struggle in two brothers Islam Shah and Adil Khan. Adil Khan was defeated and exiled. Since Adil Khan was supported by some of the Nobles, the nobles became victims of wrath of Islam Shah.

Islam Shah was a true Muslim as his title suggested.

  • Islam shah is best known for "Codifying the Laws" for the first time. Thus, in justice and judiciary, he was one step ahead of his father Sher Shah.

His reign was of 9 years till 1554, when he died of some disease. His successor was his son Firoz Shah, a 12 year child, got soon assassinated by Muhammad Adil ShahMuhammad Adil Shah Adil Shah was a debauched brute who left the real power in his trusted Hindu Vazir Hemu. There was a struggle among all ......

Death of Sher Shah Suri

Death of Sher Shah SuriSher Shah Suri 1540-1545 (Early Life) The real name of Sher Shah was Farid. He was almost of same age of Humayun's father -Babur. (Babur .....

The reign of Sher Shah was just 5 years from 1540-45 though, one of the most impressive reigns.

In May 1545, when he was campaigning against the Chandel Rajputs in Bundelkhand (Kalinjer), a gunpowder explosion fatally wounded him and thus this Afghan Tiger lost his life in Bundelkhand, laying wounded in his tent and worrying about the future of his wise schemes.

Death of Sher Shah Suri

Humayun : Exile in Persia

Exile in Persia

After birth of Jalal or Jalaluddin AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ..... in October 1542, the 34 year exiled emperor of Delhi was left with no options that to take refuse to his half brothers Kamran and Aksari. Before that he had sent Hindal to reach Kamran. Kamran had placed Hindal in house arrest, because he did not read Khutba in his brother's name. When HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... was approaching, Kamran sent Akasari to approach him mid way and eliminate him. This led him to flee to Persia as a not-so-welcome guest of influential Shah of Iran (Persia) Tahmasp -I.

Added by Shah of Persia, he was able to win Kandahar from his brother Akasari. In 1547, he took Kabul from unpopular Kamran in a bloodless takeover. From here, the rise of Humayun began.

End of Kamran

Kamran fled to Delhi to plot another intrigue with Islam Shah SuriIslam Shah Suri Sher Shah was succeeded by Jalal Khan, his son who ascended the throne with title Islam Shah Suri. At Sasaram, Islam Shah Suri ....., son and successor of Sher Shah. Islam Shah, a true afghan, arrested this shrewd Mughal and asked his trusted advisor HemuHemu : 1501-1556 Muhammad Adil Shah sat the throne after killing a Firoz Shah, the 12 year son of Islam Shah Suri. Muhammad Adil Shah was ..... to take him to Kabul and hand over to Humayun. After that Kamran was blinded, and later died in Mecca – blinded and deserted.

Humayun was now sitting over almost same territories as his father was 15 years back before conquest of Delhi.

Return of Humayun

Return of HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... 1555-1556

In the Battle of KannaujBattle of Kannauj 1540 For one year, the two sides consolidated their forces. In May 1540, the armies met once again opposite Kannauj and the Mughal ..... in 1540, Sher Shah SuriSher Shah Suri 1540-1545 (Early Life) The real name of Sher Shah was Farid. He was almost of same age of Humayun's father -Babur. (Babur ..... put the Mughal Empire to a temporary end.

Humayun in Sind

Exiled Humayun reached Sind via the deserts of Thar; where he lived for 3 years. Here, he fell in love with Hamida, a 15 year old girl, who was daughter of a sheikh of his brother. In 1542, on October 15, Hamida gave birth to AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ..... (Jalal), who would become the most adorable emperor of India, only after AsokaAshokavardhana or Asoka was governor of Taxila and Ujjain during the reign of his father Bindusara. The Sri Lankan texts represent Asoka as "wading through ......

From Lahore, he sent a message to Sher Shah that he has left Hindustan for him , leave Lahore alone and keep Sirhind (Punjab) as border between the two (Humayun and Sher Shah). But the formidable Afghan Lion roared that he left him Kabul and he should go there.

Hindal, one of Humayun's brothers was in Lahore. Kabul was under his brother Kamran Mirza.

Intrigue by Kamran

Kamran as we discussed in previous module, was against his elder brother right since the times of their father. Kamran tried to make a proposal to Sher Shah to be in his side against Humayun if he gives him Punjab. Sher Shah did not pay attention to this "worthless" proposal.

Thus, Humayun's own brother turned openly against him. Humayun was advised to take action and send his brother Kamran to another world, but this magnanimous elder brother refused to do so, for, his father's last words were to not to harm his brothers, even if they deserve so. Hindal was now loyal to him, but Kamran and Akasari planned to attack him. There was no help from the Amir of Sind.

Double Faced Rao Maldeo

There was a request & invitation sent to Humayun by Rao Maldeo of Jodhpur to make an ally against Sher Shah, but when Mal Deo got a better idea about the weakness of Humayun, he better must stay away from the "sapless" Mughal. Further, Sher Shah was now offering him better terms.

When Humayun was around fifty miles from Jodhpur, he was given a message that Rao Maldeo does not like to meet him. Humayun had to revert his troops, his horses, camels, and his wife Hamida who was in 4 or 5th month of pregnancy in the Deserts of Rajasthan to go back to pavilion in May 1542, the hottest season of the year.

The horse of Hamida died in the desert and Humayun rode Hamida on a Camel, eating berries, without water and without hopes. This was the ebb of the tide -lowest point of Humayun's career.

Administration of Sher Shah Suri

Administration of Sher Shah SuriSher Shah Suri 1540-1545 (Early Life) The real name of Sher Shah was Farid. He was almost of same age of Humayun's father -Babur. (Babur .....

In Sher Shah, we find a benevolent autocrat. He introduced many reforms which are greatly appreciated.

Sarkars and Parganas

The first five year of Sher Shah's administration were used in setting up a new template for civil administration in India. He divided the entire Kingdom in 47 divisions and called them "Sarkars". These Sarkars were divided into Parganas. Every Pargana was under a Shikqdar, who looked into the law and order of his Pargana. At Pargana Level:

  • Munsifs were appointed to collect the revenue.
  • Amir was to hear the Civil Cases
  • Qazi or Mir-i-adal was to hear the criminal cases.
  • Muqqadams were to chase and arrest the culprits, and if they failed to do so, were liable to get punished.

India's First Rupia

  • The first Rupee (Silver coin) was introduced by Sher Shah and was called "Rupia" which remained in use throughout the Mughal rule.
  • He issued copper coins which were called Dam, Half Dam and quarter Dam as per the denomination.

Raja Todar MalRaja Todar Mal, a Khatri Rajput had served his youth under the administration of Sher Shah Suri and had gained priceless experience in management of ..... and Land measurement

Todar mal Khatri, prior to become a celebrity under the reigns of AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ..... as Raja Todar Mal was groomed in Sher Shah's administration. Whether, he did any finance and revenue related works with Sher Shah is not clear, but it is believed that he acquired considerable experience in revenue affairs.

  • The land was measured and for this measurement Sikandari Gaj was used which was equivalent to 39 inches. The Sikandari Gaj was introduced by Sikandar Lodi.

Taxes, Revenue and Lands

  • The Patta system was introduced during the reign of Sher Shah, where the area sown, types of crops cultivated and revenue share was written on a Paper.
  • He introduced direct remittances of the taxes to the Central Government so that the taxpayers are saved from any exploitation by the middle officers.
  • Jagir system was discouraged and a new arrangement Qabuliyat was introduced. Qabuliyat was a deed of agreement between the peasant and government.
  • The survey charge was fixed at 2.5% that was called Jaribana and the collection charge was fixed at 5% that was known as Muhasilans.

Infrastructure: Sadak-i-Azam

A major road running across the Gangetic plain was built by Sher Shah for administrative and military reasons.

Battle of Kannauj

Battle of Kannauj 1540

For one year, the two sides consolidated their forces. In May 1540, the armies met once again opposite Kannauj and the Mughal Empire was put to an end for a while.

At Kannauj, the Afghans were able to scatter the Mughal army, which mere by panic, fled in confusion. HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... again escaped from the battle field and from that day , for next 15 years he lived like a wanderer.

Via the deserts of Thar, he reached Sind where he lived for 3 years. Here, he fell in love with Hamida, a 15 year old girl, who was daughter of a sheikh of his brother. In 1542, on October 15, Hamida gave birth to AkbarAkbar, the Great 1556-1605 The reign of Akbar for almost half a century is known as the Golden Period of the Mughal Empire. Akbar was the ....., who would become the most adorable emperor of India, only after AsokaAshokavardhana or Asoka was governor of Taxila and Ujjain during the reign of his father Bindusara. The Sri Lankan texts represent Asoka as "wading through ......

Battle of Chausa

Battle of Chausa 1539

In the battlefield of Chausa, the imperial army was checked by Sher shah. The two forces camped opposite each other, but none of the two warranted an attack for two months. In these two months the Mughal forces suffered the scarcity of food and supply, leading death of cattle and horses. In the desperate situation, HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... opened the negotiations and arrangement for a treaty was made.

As per this treaty, Sher Shah was to retain Bengal and parts of Bihar. In return, he would give recognition to emperor and accept his suzerainty.

The men from two armies on the point of this possible settlement started coming on friendly terms and all of a sudden there was a blast. One fine day, on the break A rapid and sharp decline in a security or index. of the dawn the Afghans struck the unsuspecting Mughals from all sides. Many of the Mughal soldiers were slain in sleep, few killed mounted on horses.

Humayun was saved by a Bhisti, who supported him on his water skin across the river Ganga. Most of the army was drawn in Ganga or captured or killed and the luckless emperor of India came almost alone to AgraAgra, or the city of the Taj, as it is known all over the world, is one of the prominent destinations of the World Tourism ..... in 1539.

Sher Shah Suri

Sher Shah Suri 1540-1545 (Early Life)

The real name of Sher Shah was Farid. He was almost of same age of HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he .....'s father -BaburBabur 1526-1530 Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur is one of the most captivating figures of Indian historyIndian history. Babur was a link between the predatory swarms and the ...... (Babur Born 1483, Sher Shah Born 1486). He descended from the Royal house of Sur, the kings of Ghor, and in early career, rose from the rank of a smalltime administrator (jagirdar) to be the prime minister of one of the Lohani Afghans.

Early Career of Sher Shah

His father was in the service of an Afghan Noble Jamal Khan in Punjab. Jamal Khan was transferred to Jaunpur during the times of Sikandar Lodi and was handed over the Jagirs of Sasaram, Khwasapur and Tanda. Farid's Father was stationed in Sasaram. He had two wives to which he sired 8 children. Farid, being a son of elder wife, who was less cared by his father, was not happy to live in Sasaram and entered in the service of Jamal Khan directly. By the intervention of Jamal Khan, he was appointed to manage the Jagir of Sasaram.

But it was challenged by his "younger mother". Farid attempted to avoid this difficulty by entering in the service of Bahar Khan Lohani, a self styled independent ruler during the times of Babur. Bahar Khan impressed by the valor of young Farid, who killed a mature tiger, gave him the title of Sher Khan.

In service of Babur

This brave young man soon was envied by the other officials and Bahar Khan expelled him. In 1527, he joined the military of Babur. When Babur invaded Bihar, Sher Khan guided his troops and as a prize, got his Jagir restored.

  • His very presence in the Mughal army itself was enough for him to learn about the weakness and strength of the Mughal army and administration.

He left the Mughal army and once again joined Bahar Khan as Prime Minister. After death of Bahar Khan, he became the ruler of the territories under him.

Siege of Chunar

His first confrontation with Humayun was in 1532, when Humayun had laid siege on the Chunar Fort which lasted for 4 months and ended in a submission.
But this submission did not let him abandon his dream to become the sovereign.

Extending Power

When Humayun was busy in south, he conquered Gaur, the capital of Bengal. Prior to the decisive battle of ChausaBattle of Chausa 1539 In the battlefield of Chausa, the imperial army was checked by Sher shah. The two forces camped opposite each other, but none ....., he left his son Jalal Khan to hold the pass near Rajmahal Hills and placed his booty, treasure and family in the Rohtas fort, the major fort of a Hindu which was captured by the Afghans. He seized every road he leading from Bengal and proclaimed himself as King of Rohtas with the tile of Sultan Sher Shah. The news was enough for Humayun to arouse from torpidity.

But Mughal troops were demoralized and dissipated. The army marched and reached at Chausa. The Battle of Chausa was fought very close to Buxar where once more the fate of India had to be decided 2 centuries later.

Humayun – Battle with Bahadur Shah, the King of Gujarat

HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he .....'s Battle with Bahadur Shah, the King of Gujarat 1535-36

Before Humayun could confront with Bahadur Shah, the Gujarati foe had seized the fort of Chittor.

Background: After the Battle of KhanwaBattle of Khanwa 1527 On March 16, 1527 the two armies met. Attack was launched by Rana Sanga. A combined Rajput confederacy fought the Mughal ..... in 1527, Rana Sanga died in 1528 poisoned by his own people. He was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, Rana Ratan Singh, who was assassinated in 1531. Ratan Singh was succeeded by his brother Rana Vikramaditya Singh. During Vikramaditya Singh's reign, Sultan of Gujarat Bahadur Shah had attacked Chittor in 1534.

Udai Singh, the fourth son of Rana Sanga and Rani Karmavati (she was princess of Bundi) was sent to Bundi for safety. At the time of attack by Bahadur Shah, Karmavati sent "Rakhi" the "holy thread" to Humayun and requested for help. But Humayun did not "reply" in time. Chittor was in siege by Bahadur Shah and Karvavati performed Jauhar.

The timely interference of Humayun at Chittor could win him the inestimable friendship of the Rajputs, something which was the need of the hour. But, he decided to standby till the quarrel was fought out. This was an unusual incident where Humayun, despite his capability, did not attack Bahadur Shah, probably because his Muslim enemy was waging a "Holy war" against the "Infidel Hindus".

Bahadur stormed Chittor. Rajput women performed Jauhar to escape the shame of the Muslim Harems and Rajput men sallied out to be slaughtered. Bahadur Shah was victorious, but was not able to confront the Mughal canons and was advised by one "Rumi Khan" of his army to not to confront with the Mughal army.

This victorious Gujarat army confided itself into a camp and the soldiers inside got starved, as the Mughal enemy cut their supplies. In the dead of the night, Bahadur shah fled the scene and his army immediately dispersed in all directions. Humayun, all of a sudden found himself in undisputed possession of the camp.

Bahadur Shah was chased to Mandu but was neither killed nor arrested. From here, Bahadur shah fled to Champaner, then Ahmadabad, then Cambay and finally Diu. The almost entire region of Malwa and Gujarat, which was equal in area to the rest of the Humayun's Kingdom, fell into the hands of Humayun like a ripe mango.

End of Bahadur Shah

Humayun had destroyed the power of Bahadur Shah, but the local population could not be handled by the Mughals. Finding Mughals off the guard, Bahadur shah returned and was welcomed everywhere.

Meanwhile, The city of Bassein was already given to the Portuguese by Bahadur Shah in 1534, and now he signed another treaty with them and gave them Daman & Diu, Mumbai and Vasai, thus purchased their support. But the Portuguese like other devourer Europeans wanted more. In 1537 while Bahadur shah was visiting them on a Portuguese ship anchored off the coast of Gujarat, he was killed by the Portuguese and his body was thrown in Arabian Sea.

The conquest of Gujarat was one of the easiest for Sultan and the cherry in the cake was the booty of Chittor, which was left by the troops of Bahadur Shah. The pleasure loving Emperor Humayun wasted one entire year in AgraAgra, or the city of the Taj, as it is known all over the world, is one of the prominent destinations of the World Tourism ..... in burying himself in harem and opiated indolence. Meanwhile the Afghan Sun named Farid, the Sher Khan had risen in the east.

Humayun- Early Expeditions

1531: Kalinjer Expedition

In 1531, he first invaded Kalinjer and laid the siege of Kalinjer. But rather than crushing the King, he concluded peace and accepted indemnity.

1531: Battle of Dauhariya

HumayunHumayun's First Reign: 1530-1540 Introduction to Humayun When Babur left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ..... marched towards Bihar and disposed off Mahmud Lodi in the decisive battle of Dauhariya.

1532: Siege of Chunar & submission of Sher Shah

In 1532 he laid the siege of Chunar which was under Sher Shah SuriSher Shah Suri 1540-1545 (Early Life) The real name of Sher Shah was Farid. He was almost of same age of Humayun's father -Babur. (Babur ...... Instead of following up his success by crushing the routed Pathans, he accepted submission of Sher Shah and abandoned the siege of Chunar. This nominal submission left the most capable of the Afghans, Sher Shah, to mature his plans and strengthen his power, when Humayun was away, busy in south.

The abandoning of Chunar siege was actually induced by the fear of the Bahadur Shah who was aiming the conquest of Delhi. He had annexed Malwa and Humayun arrived at Malwa in the end of 1534. He found Bahadur Shah busy in siege of the great Rajput Fort of Chittor.

Next Post: Humayun – Battle with Bahadur Shah, the King of Gujarat

Early life of Humayun

Humayun's First Reign: 1530-1540

Introduction to Humayun

When BaburBabur 1526-1530 Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur is one of the most captivating figures of Indian historyIndian history. Babur was a link between the predatory swarms and the ..... left the throne to his eldest, lovable son Humayun, it was not a bed of roses. When he ascended the throne, he was a young man of 23 years, but not without experience. He was one of the commanders of his father and governed the frontier province of Badakshan, beyond Hindukush.

The Lazy Playboy

The young prince was lovely fellow, warm hearted, emotional, courteous, witty and accomplished like his father but lacked character and resolution. The quality of sustained efforts like his father was not his own trait. Even a moment of triumph would take him to bury himself in harem and dream away precious time in Opium. He had an attractive character but not the dominating one. Life of this gentleman but indolent King was an utter failure.

  • Humayun was portrayed in his biography "Humayunnama" written by his sister Gulbadan Begum.

Challenges for Humayun

Babur had not conquered the entire India. His territory comprised little more than today's Afghanistan, Pakistan, India's Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and partially Bihar. He had neither annexed West Bengal, nor Malwa nor Gujarat. Malwa and Gujarat were now united under one King. The Rajputs of Rajasthan were only restrained but not subdued; the Afghans were still dominant and had not forgotten that a ruler at Delhi was Afghan a few years back.

Humayun was also not safe from the intrigues and plots of the family members. There was not one of his 3 brothers who did not plot against him. His younger brother Kamran was ruler of Kabul, who annexed Punjab, but it was Humayun's brotherly affection that he tolerated this usurpation. With Kamran taking North West territories of the empire, the main recruitment ground for the Mughal army was crosscut for; the hill tribes of Afghanistan restored the fighting strength of Muslims in India.

The army already in India depleted due to battles and "natural causes". Two other brothers were also dangerous who engaged in worthless treacheries against their magnanimous brother. Further, two cousins of Humayun also made their futile bids for the throne. This was added by the division of the army.

There were three major problems for Humayun

  1. In North west, it was his brother Kamran
  2. In east it were the Afghans
  3. In south it was Bahadur Shah the king of Gujarat and Malwa.

The Rajputs were also sitting at a striking distance from AgraAgra, or the city of the Taj, as it is known all over the world, is one of the prominent destinations of the World Tourism ......

Battle of Ghaghra

Battle of Ghaghra 1529

After Battle of KhanwaBattle of Khanwa 1527 On March 16, 1527 the two armies met. Attack was launched by Rana Sanga. A combined Rajput confederacy fought the Mughal ....., BaburBabur 1526-1530 Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur is one of the most captivating figures of Indian historyIndian history. Babur was a link between the predatory swarms and the ..... was now almost undisputed emperor of Delhi. The Rajputs were now not a problem. In 1529, Muhammad Lodi, brother of Ibrahim, who was the last Lodi claimant of the Delhi Throne, was defeated at the Battle of Ghaghra. The Battle of Ghaghra was important to the extent that it finished the challenge of last of the Lodis. Muhhamd Lodi was joined with the Sultan of Bengal Nusrat Shah, who accepted the peace terms with Babur.

  • The Battle of Ghaghra was last of the major engagement of Babur. He continued to consolidate the power and engage the Jagirs to Royal nobles.

The ill effects of heavy drinking and Hashish intoxication ruined his health. At the age of 47, on December 26, 1530 Babur died in his garden palace in AgraAgra, or the city of the Taj, as it is known all over the world, is one of the prominent destinations of the World Tourism ..... of an unknown disease. He was buried in Agra and now lies in peace in his favorite garden in Kabul, a city he had always loved, and chosen himself, surrounded by the people he loved, the fragrance of flowers. In Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan he is a National Hero.

Battle of Khanwa

Battle of Khanwa 1527

On March 16, 1527 the two armies met. Attack was launched by Rana Sanga. A combined Rajput confederacy fought the Mughal in the Battle of Khanwa, but the Mughal artillery wreaked havoc in the Rajputs closed ranks.

The Canons did the fearful execution. The cannon fire was new to the Rajputs and this caused the elephants in the Rajput army to stampede. Rajputs went ahead stuffed themselves in the mouth of the cannons to silence them. The maximum loss was caused by Mughal Cavalry and later Rajputs started perishing, fled in every direction.

The great Rajput army soon disintegrated into the disordered crowd and their gallantry was turned into massacre.

The Rajput chiefs fell and the fallen Rajput chiefs were beheaded and their heads were rose in ghastly tower erected by the victor. BaburBabur 1526-1530 Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur is one of the most captivating figures of Indian historyIndian history. Babur was a link between the predatory swarms and the ..... had a passion of making towers out of the heads of infidels.

End of Hindupat

Rana Sanga fled from the battle, wounded, assisted by Rao Maldev. He vowed that unless he defeats Babur, he will not return to Chittor. In a fear that Rana was pushing the Rajputs to another battle, his own Knights poisoned him, and this was the end of "Hindupat" who was once thought to establish the Hindu rule in India. The battle was so awful for the Rajputs that all the remaining kingdoms fell one by one without much resistance.

  • Rana Sanga was the last Hindu king, who tried to establish Hindu Rule in India and all castes of Rajputs made a Rajput confederacy under him.
  • The battle of Khanwa was a decisive battle which established Mughal rule in India.
  • In Baburnama, Babur writes that Rana Sanga was treacherous.
  • Rana Sanga was having 80 wounds on his body.
  • Babur assumed the title "Ghazi" after this battle.

Babur was now almost undisputed emperor of Delhi. The Rajputs were now not a problem. In 1529, Muhammad Lodi, brother of Ibrahim, who was the last Lodi claimant of the Delhi Throne, was defeated at the Battle of GhaghraBattle of Ghaghra 1529 After Battle of Khanwa, Babur was now almost undisputed emperor of Delhi. The Rajputs were now not a problem. In 1529, Muhammad ......

Battle of Gagron

Battle of Gagron 1519

The first major battle of Rana Sanga was the "Battle of Gagron" in 1519, with Sultan Mahmood of Malwa. Sultan Mahmood was trounced and taken prisoner in the war. Rana Sanga extended traditional chivalry and benevolence to him. Sultan Mahmud was treated like a guest and his kingdom was restored to him by the Rana.

Babur's Preparations

Babur sent small cavalry to test the courage of Rajputs. The Rajputs slaughtered and reduced this cavalry to pieces.

The armies of Babur camped at Sikri, which later became capital of his grandson. A force from Bayana got with them here. The preparations took 25 days.

  • It was at this point that Babur renounced wine and poured out liquor on the ground.
  • He called his chiefs, who got disheartened by hearing the stories of the Rajput chivalry and prediction by a foolish astrologer that Rajputs cannot be won over,
  • Here Babur made another resolution to stay in the battle field till their bodies are parted from their souls.

A peace talk was initiated in which Shiladitya represented the Rajputs. The talks failed and this triggered the "Battle of Khanwa"

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