Deepak Parekh committee on Infrastructure submits report
The High-level government committee on infrastructure
headed by Deepak Parekh submits the last part of its report in October.
The Committee consisted of Uday Kotak, G.M.R Rao, Sanjay Reddy and top
officials from LIC, SBI, ICICI and IDFC.
Some of their proposals are as follows:-
- Establish a PPP model for power distribution, starting first with the cities
- Modernise public sector distribution companies. The viability gap for such companies should be funded by the Central government
- Earmark 15% of power generation of the central PSUs for open access customers so that the market becomes more competitive in an attempt to attract the open access clientele. This is also expected to increase investment in the electricity sector. (Open access customers refers to customers who buy in bulk and can directly choose where to buy their electricity from, according to the Electricity Act, 2003. Hence, the open access customers at least will not have to rely on the state controlled power distribution companies
- Tariffs should be rationalized with a grading system that distinguishes between consumers depending on their paying capacity. Also, high income households, commercial consumer and industries should eventually be moved to market based pricing. The consumers subject to market based pricing may be allowed to choose from different suppliers of electricity. Low income consumers, however, should be subject to low tariffs and their requirements should be met with supplies from depreciated power station
- Privatise coal mining wherein Coal India or its arms/subsidiaries can retain ownership of mines
- Constitute a High level task force headed by a deputy governor of RBI to decide on measures to restore the health of power projects facing financial trouble due to scarcity of fuel
- Fixed charges of a reasonable amount should be apportioned to idle power plants
Shahrukh Khan awarded with Global Diversity Award 2014
President Presents Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for excellence in Public Administration, Academics and Management
President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee presented the Lal Bahadur
Shastri National Award for Excellence in Public Administration,
Academics and Management for the year 2014 to Dr. Apathukatha Sivathanu
Pillai at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (07.10.2014).
Speaking on the occasion, the President said, the annual Award for excellence in Public Administration, Academics and management was an occasion to remember the values and ideals of Shastriji.
The President said, conferment of this award on Dr. Pillai is recognition for the outstanding work done by our space and Defence Research Scientists. The President congratulated the entire scientific community and ISRO in particular, for the remarkable feat of having successfully executed the Mars Orbiter Mission in its very first attempt.
Birth Centenary Commemoration of Begum Akhtar Set of Commemorative Coins Released
The year-long birth centenary celebrations of noted classical singer Begum Akhtar began today. In an impressive function held here today Union Culture Minister Shri Shripad Naik released a set of commemorative coins of Rs.100 and Rs.5. Noted singers Dr. Rita Ganguly (Dadra), Shri Shashank Shekhar (Thumri) and Smt. Prabhati Mukherjee (Ghazal) gave an impressive performance on the occasion.
Memorandum of Understanding Between ESSO-MoES And UCAR, USA for Cooperation in the Field of Earth System Science A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Earth System Science Organization-Ministry of Earth Sciences (ESSO-MoES) and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), USA was signed here in New Delhi last month for cooperation in Earth System Sciences.
Dr Shailesh Nayak Secretary M/o Earth Sciences said on the occasion that since Weather and climate affects all our activities, this collaboration will act as a step to bring together academia and application scientists to come together. He was joined by UCAR president Thomas Bogdan saying “If we can help advance their forecast skill, it will save lives in India as well as improve our own forecasts for similar events at home,” and also there are some important synergies that can benefit both countries.”
The present MoU will provide a mechanism to jointly undertake research and developmental work to address Earth System Science issues of common concern through exchange of excellent scientific knowledge and technological know how existing in the two countries.
Collaborations are expected to include aircraft and radar technology, now casting of severe weather events, hydrometeorology, satellite data, oceanic and climate research, urban flooding as well as capacity building through scientific lectures and distance learning. A particularly important area is the long-range forecasting, which has extreme value to the Indian economy and caters to the need of the farmers with planting decisions and agricultural practices based on the projected intensity and timing of the next monsoon season.
The MoU covers scientists from a range of institutions from India, to be coordinated and funded by the ESSO-Ministry of Earth Sciences with the scientists from UCAR’s 104 member universities, as well as NCAR (National Centre for Atmospheric Research). Through the MoU, the regional expertise available with Indian scientists will be complemented by the domain expertise available with UCAR.
Speaking on the occasion, the President said, the annual Award for excellence in Public Administration, Academics and management was an occasion to remember the values and ideals of Shastriji.
The President said, conferment of this award on Dr. Pillai is recognition for the outstanding work done by our space and Defence Research Scientists. The President congratulated the entire scientific community and ISRO in particular, for the remarkable feat of having successfully executed the Mars Orbiter Mission in its very first attempt.
Birth Centenary Commemoration of Begum Akhtar Set of Commemorative Coins Released
The year-long birth centenary celebrations of noted classical singer Begum Akhtar began today. In an impressive function held here today Union Culture Minister Shri Shripad Naik released a set of commemorative coins of Rs.100 and Rs.5. Noted singers Dr. Rita Ganguly (Dadra), Shri Shashank Shekhar (Thumri) and Smt. Prabhati Mukherjee (Ghazal) gave an impressive performance on the occasion.
Memorandum of Understanding Between ESSO-MoES And UCAR, USA for Cooperation in the Field of Earth System Science A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Earth System Science Organization-Ministry of Earth Sciences (ESSO-MoES) and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), USA was signed here in New Delhi last month for cooperation in Earth System Sciences.
Dr Shailesh Nayak Secretary M/o Earth Sciences said on the occasion that since Weather and climate affects all our activities, this collaboration will act as a step to bring together academia and application scientists to come together. He was joined by UCAR president Thomas Bogdan saying “If we can help advance their forecast skill, it will save lives in India as well as improve our own forecasts for similar events at home,” and also there are some important synergies that can benefit both countries.”
The present MoU will provide a mechanism to jointly undertake research and developmental work to address Earth System Science issues of common concern through exchange of excellent scientific knowledge and technological know how existing in the two countries.
Collaborations are expected to include aircraft and radar technology, now casting of severe weather events, hydrometeorology, satellite data, oceanic and climate research, urban flooding as well as capacity building through scientific lectures and distance learning. A particularly important area is the long-range forecasting, which has extreme value to the Indian economy and caters to the need of the farmers with planting decisions and agricultural practices based on the projected intensity and timing of the next monsoon season.
The MoU covers scientists from a range of institutions from India, to be coordinated and funded by the ESSO-Ministry of Earth Sciences with the scientists from UCAR’s 104 member universities, as well as NCAR (National Centre for Atmospheric Research). Through the MoU, the regional expertise available with Indian scientists will be complemented by the domain expertise available with UCAR.
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