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Saturday 1 November 2014

Rig Vedic Polity

Rig Vedic Polity

Tribes and the Dasarajana Yudha

The entire territory of the Vedic Aryans was divided into a number of tribal principalities, ruled normally by the leaders. The Bharatas were the most important Aryan tribe, after whom the India came to be known as Bharata. In connection with the famous Dasrajna Yudha or the battle of ten kings, mentioned in various hymns of the Rig-Veda, many important Vedic tribes and their personalities are found mentioned.

Jana and Rajana

The tribe was known as Jana. The chief of the tribe was a Rajan. Rajan was protector of the tribe and its cattle. He fought wars on behalf of his Jana. Rajan was used for the tribal chief who was primarily a military chieftain leading the tribe in wars for the sake of taking possession of cows and other cattle wealth but not taking over possession of territories. This implies that the concept of land territory was completely absent in early Rig Vedic Era. Aspects of Land Territory during Vedic Era

The Grama and the Vajrapati

The term Gram, appearing 13 times in the Rig-Veda, does not refer to a village, but is essentially a military tribal unit. A war or battle was thus called Sangrama. The Vrajapati was in charge of commonly held tribal pasture land and was the leader of the family. Vajrapati used to lead in the battles, and later became synonymous with the Gramani who himself originally was the head of the tribal unit called grama.

Taxation : The Bali

The Rajan could not have an elaborate administrative machinery because the nature of the Rig Vedic economy. An economy in which the surplus was very small, the Rajan received only bali, i.e. offering to a prince or to a god from the conquered people. However these tributes were neither regular and nor stipulated and hence cannot be called a tax.

Military & Spy functionalities

There was no regular standing army. The military functions were invested in the Vedic assemblies. All the three persons viz. the Vrajapati, Kulapa (head of the family) and the Gramani functioned as military leaders. The Rajan held the Spies called Spasa to keep an eye on the conduct of the people.

Ugra and Jivagribha were two officials probably meant for dealing with the criminals. The Madhyamasi seems to have acted as a meditator in disputes. There were no code of law in the early Vedic era.

The Earliest Tribal Assembly - Vidhata

Vidhata appears for 122 times in the Rig-Veda and seems to be the most important assembly in the Rig Vedic period. Vidhata was an assembly meant for secular, religious and military purpose. The Rig-Veda only once indicated the connection of woman with the Sabha whereas Vidhata is frequently associated with woman women actively participated in the deliberations with men. Vidhata was the earliest folk assembly of the Aryans, performing all kinds of functions- economic, military religious and social. The Vidhata also provided common ground to clans and tribes for the worship of their gods.

Sabha and Samiti

The term Sabha denotes both the assembly (in early Rig-Vedic) and the assembly hall (Later Rig-Vedic). Women who were called Sabhavati also attended this assembly. The references to samiti come from the latest books of the Rig-Veda showing that it assumed importance only towards the end of the Rig-Vedic period. Samiti was a folk assembly in which people of the tribe gathered for transacting tribal business. It discussed philosophical issues and was concerned with religious ceremonies and prayers. References suggest that the Rajan was elected and re-elected by the Samiti. The differentiations between Sabha and Samiti

The Gana or the Republic

A Gana was a assembly or troop. The leader of the gana is generally called Ganapati .

The Parishad

The early parisad seems to be a tribal military assembly, partly, matriarchal and partly patriarchal. However, the variety of the references lead to the non-Vedic character of the parisad. In later-Vedic period, it tended to become partly an academy and partly a royal council dominated by the priests, who functioned as teachers and advisers.

List of Important Officials of Vedic Civilization

Rig Vedic Title
Officer in Charge of Pasteur landsVrajapati
Police OfficersJivagribha
Head of the VillageGramini
Head of the familyKulapa also called Dampati
Mediator in DisputesMadhyamasi
Tax ColllectorBhagadugha
Chief QueenMahishi

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