Directions: (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
(i) Eleven players Abhi, Bimal, Chaman, Dheeraj, Ehsaan, Farhan, Gaurav, Harsh, Ishan, Julian and Kumar are sitting in a row of the facing the coach.
(ii) Dheeraj, who is to the immediate left of Farhan, is second to the right of Chaman.
(iii) Abhi, is second to the right of Ehsaan, who is at one of the ends.
(iv) Julian is the immediate neighbor of Abhi and Bimal and third to the left of Gaurav,
(v) Harsh is to the immediate left of Dheeraj and third to the right of Ishan.
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Answer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explanation: