1.The Fajr (Dawn) satellite, is an observation satellite launched by which one of the following countries, recently?
[C]North Korea
show answer Answer: Iran The Fajr is an Iran’s domestically-made observation satellite. The satellite is capable of staying in the space for 1.5 years and taking and transmitting high-quality and accurate pictures to stations on earth. Equipped with GPS navigation system, Fajr, weighing 52 kilos, is the fourth Iranian-made satellite which was put into orbit after three others between 2009 and 2012. |
2.Nobel Prize winner Charles Townes, who passed away recently, was associated with which one of the following inventions?
show answer Answer: Laser Charles Townes was an American Nobel Prize winning Physicist. He shared the 1964 Nobel Prize with Nikolay Basov and Alexander Prokhorov in physics for inventing the laser a feat that revolutionised science, medicine, telecommunications and entertainment. |
3.Which of the following Asian countries celebrate its Independence Day on 4th February?
[A]Sri Lanka
show answer Answer: Sri Lanka Sri Lanka celebrates its Independence Day on 4th February. The day commemorates its internal political independence from British rule on that day in 1948. The day is a national holiday in Sri Lanka. |
4.The controversial Keystone Pipeline Bill is related to which country?
show answer Answer: USA The Keystone Pipeline bill is related to USA .The bill authorizes construction of the 1,179-mile pipeline, which would carry oil primarily from Canada’s tar sands to Nebraska, where it would connect with existing pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries. |
5.The Thaipoosam festival is celebrated by which one of the following religions?
show answer Answer:Hindu The Thaipusam is a Hindu festival. It is celebrating mostly by the Tamil community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai (January/February). |
6.Which of the following bodies is preparing to launch an “inclusive economies” initiative to combat economic inequality?
show answer Answer: APEC APEC or Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation is preparing to launch a multi-faceted “inclusive economies” initiative to combat inequality and open the gates to a new era of regional and global growth. |
7.Who among the following is the chairman of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) set up by RBI to evaluate application received for Payment banks?
[A]Usha Tharot
[B]R Gandhi
[C]Nachiket Mor
[D]H R Khan
show answer Answer:Nachiket Mor Nachiket Mor, Director, Central Board of the Reserve Bank will be the chairman of the EAC for payment banks. According to the guidelines issued by RBI, payment banks can accept demand deposits subject to a cap of Rs 1 lakh a customer and provide payment and remittance services through channels such as internet, branches, business correspondents and mobile banking. They, however, cannot offer credit facilities directly but can act as an agent of a commercial bank for credit and other services. |
8.Which one of the following countries has become first in handball history to win five world championships?
show answer Answer: France France became the first team in handball history to win five world championships. France created the history by defeating Qatar in the final match. It was the country’s first world title since 2011. |
9.Nicol David, who has set a new record by topping the world squash rankings for 106th month is from which country?
show answer Answer: Malaysia Nicol David is a Malaysia’s female professional squash player. She has set a new record by topping the world squash rankings for 106th month and became the first Asian to achieve this milestone. She surpassed the previous 105th month record set by four time world champion Susan Devoy from New Zealand which was set in February 1993. |
10.The Operation Inherent Resolve is the military operation against ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) conducting by which country?
show answer Answer: USA Operation Inherent Resolve is the United States military operations in Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. |