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Saturday 13 December 2014

Ancient History of India Question Bank

11 Which among the following Kushana king adopted the epithet Dharma-thida?
[A] Vima Kadaphises
[B] Kuzul Kadaphises
[C] Kanishka the Great
[D] Huvishka

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12. Which among the following Gupta emperors called himself “Lichchhavi-dauhitra”?
[A] Shrigupta
[B] Chandragupta I
[C] Chandragupta II
[D] Samudragupta

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13. In Pali texts, who among the following is referred to as Nigantha Nātaputta?
[A] Gautam Buddha
[B] Mahavira
[C] Parshvanatha
[D] Rishabha

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14. At which among the following sites of Indus Valley Civilization, the rows of distinctive fire altars with provision of ritual bathing have been found ?
[A] Mohen-jo-daro
[B] Harappa
[C] Kalibangan
[D] Lothal

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15. The earliest evidence of rice cultivation comes from which among the following valleys?
[A] Central Ganga Valley
[B] Belan Valley
[C] Gomal Valley
[D] Bolan Valley

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16. The inscriptions of Ashoka and the Brahmi script were deciphered by ___?
[A] Alexander Cunningham
[B] James Princep
[C] Max Muller
[D] Mortimer Wheeler

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17. Which among the following is a Tamil grammatical treatise ?
[A] Pattupattu
[B] Ettutogai
[C] Silappadikaram
[D] Tolkappiam

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18. Veda which is partly in prose and partly in verses is ___ ?
[A] Rigveda
[B] Samaveda
[C] Yajurveda
[D] Atharvaveda

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19. Which of the following Chola kings was the first to capture Maldives ?
[A] Rajaraja
[B] Rajendra I
[C] Rajadhiraja
[D] Rajendra II

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20. Who among the following authors is known for his satires exposing the evils of contemporary society ?
[A] Ksemendra
[B] Pravarsena
[C] Sriharsa
[D] Visakhadutta

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