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Answer:[D] Gautama Explanation
The Dharmasutras: The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana, and Vasistha The Dharmasutras are the four surviving written works of the ancient Indian tradition on the subject of dharma, or the rules of behavior a community recognizes as binding on its members. Gautama-dharmasutra is believed to be the oldest of the four Hindu Dharmasastras, It survives as an independent treatise. According to Gautama the ruler is the owner of everything in his realm except the brahmanas
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Answer:[C] Theft Explanation
According to Manu, a Brahamana was to be awarded higher punishment than the persons of other varnas for the offence of Theft.
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Answer:[D] Satavahana
Metronymics: A name derived from the name of a mother or female ancestor. The metronymics are borne by the later Satavahanas and not by the early Satavahanas. It was mainly because Satavahanas had to establish matrimonial alliance with maharathis. The metronymics of the Satavahanas was the result of such alliances.
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Answer:[B] MedhatithiExplanation
Medhatithi is one of the oldest and most famous commentators on the Manusmriti. He considered sati system identical to suicide, which was forbidden by the Vedas. One shall not die before the span of one’s life is run out.
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Answer:[B] The Gupta era: Vallabhi era is identical with Gupta era and Vallabhi era followed Gupta era in A.D. 366.
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Answer:[B] Megasthenes Megasthenes – an ancient Greek historian and diplomat, author of an account of India, the Indica, in four books. He was sent by the Hellenistic king Seleucus I on embassies to the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote that the dress worn by the Indians was made of cotton of a brighter white colour than any cotton found elsewhere.
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Answer:[C] 1, 4 Explanation
The gold coins of Gupta period were called Dinara inspired by the Roman coins but later the coins were minted in the Indian style with the weight standard of 9.2 gms of gold and called Suvarna.
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Answer:[D] 1, 2 & 3 The Kushans issued coins of Gold, Silver and Copper .
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Answer:[D] Brihadratha Explanation
Maurya Emperor Brihadratha was killed by his senapati (Commander-in-Chief) Pushymitra Shunga . Pushymitra Shunga founded the Shunga Dynasty in around 185-183 BC.
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Answer:[D] JivaExplanation
The Pasupata was a Saivite sect associated with Siva in his aspect of the “Herdsman” (pasu, “animal” and pati, “lord”). The devotees of Pashupati Siva are called Pashupatas.