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Saturday 13 December 2014

Ancient History of India Question Bank

31. Who among the following was the author of Abhidhamma treatise Kathavatthu?
[A] Mah-a kassapa
[B] Mahinda
[C] Milinda
[D] Moggaliputta Tissa.

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32. In which among the following sacrifices, the sacrificial materials used was sura in Vedic Era?
[A] Agnistoma
[B] Rajasuya
[C] Sautramani
[D] Vajapeya

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33. In the Rigvedic Dasrajan Yudha (Battle of Ten Kings) the Bharatas emerged winner at the bank of __?
[A] The Indus River
[B] The Saraswati River
[C] The Sutlej River
[D] The Parushni River

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34. The Boghazkoi inscription was discovered in __?
[A] India
[B] Iran
[C] Syria
[D] Turkey

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35. The Aryans dedicated whole of a separate Mandala in Rig-Veda for the hymns dedicated to __?
[A] Agni
[B] Varuna
[C] Indra
[D] Soma

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36. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
[A] Nagananda ↔Harsha
[B] Mudrarakshasa↔Visakhadatta
[C] Mrichchhakatika ↔Sudraka
[D] Ratnavali ↔Rajasekhara

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37. Who among the following was a lady Alvar Saint?
[A] Andal
[B] Madhura Kavi
[C] Perumal
[D] Tirupan

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38. Parnadatta was appointed the Provincial Governor of Saurashtra by __?
[A] Chandragupta Maurya
[B] Rudradaman
[C] Chandragupta II
[D] Skandagupta

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39. The title “Paramasaugata” was adopted by ___?
[A] Bhaskar Varman
[B] Shashanka
[C] Rajya Vardhana
[D] Harsha

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40. Garuda was adopted as dynastic emblem after the imperial Guptas by ___?
[A] Rashtrakutas
[B] Western Chalukyas
[C] Shilaharas
[D] Chedis

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