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Saturday 13 December 2014

Ancient History of India Question Bank

51. The rulers of which among the following dynasties adopted the title Devaputra ?
[A] Maurya
[B] Sunga
[C] Kushana
[D] Saka-Kshatrapa

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52. The Mahasamghika School arose at which among the following places?
[A] Bodha Gaya
[B] Rajagriha
[C] Sravasti
[D] Vaisali

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53. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? Sakiyas ↔Kapilvastu Koliyas ↔Ramagrama
[A] Sakiyas ↔Kapilvastu
[B] Koliyas ↔Ramagrama
[C] Kalamas ↔Allakappa
[D] Mallas ↔Kusinagara

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54. Who among the following laid down for punishment for a person becoming mendicant without making adequate provision for dependent wife and children?
[A] Manu
[B] Yajnavalkya
[C] Kautilya
[D] Narada

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55. With which among the following places, the twenty third Jain Tirthankara was associated?
[A] Vaishali
[B] Kausambi
[C] Varanasi
[D] Sravasti

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56. Which of the following Upanishads is written in prose ?
[A] Isa
[B] Katha
[C] Brihadaranyaka
[D] Svetasvatara

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57. Who among the following were teachers of Gautama Buddha before his enlightenment ?
1. Alara Kalama
2. Udraka Ramputra
3. Makkhali Gosala
4. Nigantha Nataputta
Indicate your answer from the codes given below.
[A] 1 and 4
[B] 4 and 2
[C] 2 and 3
[D] 1 and 2

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58. Which among the following is an extant Shaka of the Rigveda Samhita?
[A] Saunaka
[B] Ashvalayan
[C] Shakala
[D] Sankhayana

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59. Who was the priest of the Bharatas in the battle of Ten Kings ?
[A] Visvamitra
[B] Vasishtha
[C] Atri
[D] Bhrigu

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60. That the homeland of the Aryans was Arctic Region, was propounded by ___?
[A] Max Muller
[B] Edward Meyer
[C] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[D] Herzefeld

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