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Saturday 13 December 2014

Ancient History of India Question Bank

61. King Ashvapati of the Upanishadic Age was the ruler of which among the following Kingdoms?
[A] Kekaya
[B] Matsya
[C] Panchala
[D] Sursena

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62. With which among the following Vedas, the Shatapatha Brahmana is related to___?
[A] Rigveda
[B] Yajurveda
[C] Samaveda
[D] Atharvaveda

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63. Which of the following was not a diety of the Harappans?
[A] Shiva
[B] Mother Goddess
[C] Peepal Tree
[D] Vishnu

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64. Which among the following places has given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian Subcontinent?
[A] Brahmagiri
[B] Chirand
[C] Mehrgarh
[D] Burzahom

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65. Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered first Palaeolithic tools in India, was originally ___?
[A] Palaeobotanist
[B] Geologist
[C] Archaeologist
[D] Historian

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66. Which of the following is the most common motif of the Indus Seals ?
[A] Unicorn
[B] Bull
[C] Rhinoceros
[D] Elephant

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67. Which of the following Harappan towns is divided into three parts ?
[A] Kalibanga
[B] Lothal
[C] Chanhudaro
[D] Dholavira

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68. Which among the following was a water tax for supply of water for irrigation during the ancient India ?

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69. The last ruler of the Mauryan Dynasty, who was assassinated by Pushyamitra Sunga, his commander-in-chief was __ ?

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70. Buddhacharita, the epic biography of Gautama Buddha in Sanskrit was written by__:

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