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Sunday 14 December 2014

Medieval Indian History Question Bank

Sayana, an important commentator on Vedas was associated with which among the following empires?
[A] Chola Empire
[B] Vijayanagar Empire
[C] Hoyasala Empire
[D] Bahmani Empire

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With reference to Mughal Era, the terms “Elchi”or “Safir” refer to ___?
[A] Ambassadors
[B] Rebels
[C] Spies
[D] Governors

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With reference to the Mughal artillery, the “Narnal “ refers to __?
[A] One carried on elephant back
[B] One carried on camel-back
[C] One carried by man
[D] None of the above

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Who was the last Maratha chief to accept the Subsidiary Alliance of the British?
[A] Gaikwad
[B] Scindia
[C] Holkar
[D] Bhonsle

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The real name of Afzal Khan, the commander of Adil Shahi dynasty of Bijapur was __?
[A] Abdullah Bhatari
[B] Samsuddin
[C] Sabar
[D] Muhammad Khan

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Which among the following Mughal Emperor was also known as Roshan Akhtar ?
[A] Ahmed Shah
[B] Muhammad Shah
[C] Jahandar Shah
[D] Shah Alam

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Who defeated Marathas in the third battle of Panipat?
[A] Mughals
[B] Rohillas
[C] Britishers
[D] Afghans

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The lowest in rank in the Maratha infantry was of__?
[A] Nayak
[B] Hawaldar
[C] Zumladar
[D] Hazari

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Emperor Akbar conferred the title of Jagatguru upon which among the following Jaina Philosophers?
[A] Anandasagar Suri
[B] Vijaykanak Suri
[C] Hiravijay Suri
[D] Vijay Shantichandra Suri

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Which among the following is a correct meaning of “Khanqah” ?
[A] Works of Poet Amir Khusro
[B] Court of Sikandar Lodi
[C] Birth place of Khwaja Muinud-din Chisti
[D] The place where Sufi Mystics lived

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