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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle question bank

41. Which among the following was the first Presidency of British East India Company in India ?
[A] Madras
[B] Masulipattam
[C] Surat
[D] Hugli

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42. Who among the following was the founder of French East India Company for trade in India?
[A] Colbert
[B] Francois Martin
[C] Francois Caron
[D] De La Haye

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43. On which among the following occasions, Bombay was handed over to Britishers by the Portuguese ?
[A] Freedom of Portuguese from the control of Spain
[B] Marriage of Charles II with the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza
[C] Crushing of Spanish Armada by British in 1588
[D] The Treaty of Madrid in 1630

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44. Which among the following Sultans called himself Naib-i-Khudai?
[A] Iltutmish
[B] Balban
[C] Alauddin Khalji
[D] Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

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45. Which among the following was the venue of the Second Round Table Conference at London?
[A] St. James Palace
[B] Kingsley Palace
[C] Buckingham Palace
[D] 10, Downing Street

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46. “Springing Tiger: A Study of a Revolutionary” is a biographical work on __?
[A] Bhagat Singh
[B] Chandrashekhar Azad
[C] Subhas Chandra Bose
[D] Shyamji Krishna Verma

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47. Consider the following events of Indian National Movement.
1. Gandhi Irwin Pact
2. Poona Pact
3. Karachi Session of Indian National Congress.
4. Individual Satyagraha
Select the correct chronological order of the events from the codes given below.
Codes :
[A] 1, 3, 2, 4
[B] 2, 3, 4, 1
[C] 3, 4, 2, 1
[D] 4, 3, 2, 1

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48. The first Indian woman to preside a session of Indian National Congress was__?
[A] Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
[B] Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
[C] Aruna Asaf Ali
[D] Sarojini Naidu

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49. The Congress and Muslim League had most cordial relationships in between which among the following years?
[A] 1906 to 1916
[B] 1916 to 1922
[C] 1922 to 1928
[D] 1928 to 1934

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50. The drain theory of Dadabhai Naoroji was formally accepted in which among the sessions of the Indian National Congress?
[A] Benaras session, 1905
[B] Calcutta session, 1906
[C] Surat session, 1907
[D] None of the above

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