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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle question bank

51. Kumaran Asan is associated with the social renaissance in which among the following current states?
[A] Kerala
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] None of the above

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52. The annulment of Partition of Bengal was done by __?
[A] Lord Curzon
[B] Lord Minto
[C] Lord Hardinge
[D] Lord Chelmsford

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53. Which among the following regions was most affected by the Revolution of 1857 ?
[A] Punjab
[B] Maharashtra
[C] Avadh
[D] Madras

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54. Mahalwari System of Revenue Settlement was introduced in which of the following?
[A] Bengal
[B] Bombay
[C] Madras
[D] North Western Provinces

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55. What is the correct chronological order of setting up of the following Commissions ?
1. Macdonell Commission
2. First Industrial Commission
3. First Fiscal Commission
Select the correct answer from the code given below.
[A] 1, 2, 3
[B] 2, 3, 1
[C] 2, 1, 3
[D] 1, 3, 2

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56. The British East India Company ceased to be a trading Company via which among the following legislation?
[A] Pitts India Act of 1784
[B] Charter Act of 1833
[C] Charter Act of 1813
[D] Government of India Act 1858

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57. Which one of the following native states was NOT annexed by the British on the basis of the Doctrine of Lapse ?
[A] Satara
[B] Punjab
[C] Jhansi
[D] Karauli

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58. Avadh was annexed into the British East India territories on which ground?
[A] Doctrine of Lapse
[B] Alleged misgovernment
[C] Failure to pay subsidy
[D] Maintenance of relations with foreign powers

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59. Who said that British established a robber state in Bengal between 1765 and 1772 ?
[A] G. W. Forrest
[B] Lord Macaulay
[C] K. M. Panikkar
[D] Nand Lal Chatterji

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60. The first victim of the British policy of Subsidiary Alliance was___?
(A) Avadh
[B] Mewar
[C] Mysore
[D] Hyderabad

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