51. Kumaran Asan is associated with the social renaissance in which among the following current states?
[A] Kerala
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] None of the above
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Answer: [A] Kerala Explanation: N. Kumaran Asan (1873–1924), also known as Mahakavi Kumaran Asan, was one of the triumvirate poets of Kerala, South India. He was also a philosopher, a social reformer and a disciple of Sree Narayana Guru.
52. The annulment of Partition of Bengal was done by __?
[A] Lord Curzon
[B] Lord Minto
[C] Lord Hardinge
[D] Lord Chelmsford
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Answer: [C] Lord Hardinge Explanation: Lord Hardinge, the Viceroy of India (1910- 1916), is remembered for the annulment of the Partition of Bengal in 1911. Other points are – /br>
- Held a durbar in December, 1911 to celebrate the coronation of King George V.
- Capital Shifted from Calcutta to Delhi 1911.
- A bomb was thrown at him ; but he escaped unhurt.(December 23,1912).
- Gandhiji came back to India from South Africa (1915).
- Annie Besant announced the Home Rule Movement.
- In 1915,Hindu Maha Sabha was founded by Madan Mohan Malvi.
53. Which among the following regions was most affected by the Revolution of 1857 ?
[A] Punjab
[B] Maharashtra
[C] Avadh
[D] Madras
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Answer:[C] Avadh Explanation: The Revolt of 1857: Awadh, one of the main centers of the Revolt, was annexed by Lord Dalhousie, Governor General of India, in 1856. Begum Hazrat Mahal also known as Begum of Awadh , during the national liberation uprising of 1857-59 in India headed the rebels.
54. Mahalwari System of Revenue Settlement was introduced in which of the following?
[A] Bengal
[B] Bombay
[C] Madras
[D] North Western Provinces
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Answer: [D] North Western Provinces Explanation:
- Permanent settlement introduced in Bengal,Bihar ,Orissa and districts of Benaras and Northern districts of Madras by Lorrd Cornwallis in 1793.
- Ryotwari System introduced in Bombay and Madras .
- Mahalwari system was introduced in the North West Provinces, the Punjab, Delhi, Parts of Central India and Uttar Pradesh In this system, the land was not owned by an individual be it zamindar or any cultivator but by a group of estates or villages called Mahal. The Mahal was collectively known as the landlord and revenue was collected from the head of the Mahal, also known as Talukdar.
55. What is the correct chronological order of setting up of the following Commissions ?
1. Macdonell Commission
2. First Industrial Commission
3. First Fiscal Commission
Select the correct answer from the code given below.
[A] 1, 2, 3
[B] 2, 3, 1
[C] 2, 1, 3
[D] 1, 3, 2
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Answer: [A] 1, 2, 3 Explanation:
- Macdonell Commission 1901 was the famine commission appointed by Lord Curzon.
- First Industrial Commission: In 1916 an Industrial Commission was appointed to find out means for giving encouragement for the growth of Indian industries.The report of the commission was submitted in 1918.
- First Fiscal Commission : Indian Fiscal Commission was established in 1919 and it recommended tariff protection for certain industries. As a follow up to the recommendations to this commission ,a tariff board was established in 1923 and in 1924,the Steel Industry of India was given protection.
56. The British East India Company ceased to be a trading Company via which among the following legislation?
[A] Pitts India Act of 1784
[B] Charter Act of 1833
[C] Charter Act of 1813
[D] Government of India Act 1858
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Answer: [B] Charter Act of 1833 Explanation: The charter act 1833: It is considered to be an attempt to codify all Indian Laws. The Governor General of Bengal now became the The Governor General of India. One of the Provision of this act – “the East India Company now lost its trading privilege i.e., tea and monopoly in China ,henceforth it became a purely administrative body under the crown.”
57. Which one of the following native states was NOT annexed by the British on the basis of the Doctrine of Lapse ?
[A] Satara
[B] Punjab
[C] Jhansi
[D] Karauli
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Answer: [B] Punjab Explanation: Doctrine of Lapse: formula devised by Lord Dalhousie, governor-general of India (1848–56), to deal with questions of succession to Hindu Indian states.
»Satara was annexed in 1848.
»Sambalpur was annexed in 1849.
»Karauli was annexed in 1852.
»Jhansi was annexed in 1854.
58. Avadh was annexed into the British East India territories on which ground?
[A] Doctrine of Lapse
[B] Alleged misgovernment
[C] Failure to pay subsidy
[D] Maintenance of relations with foreign powers
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Answer: [B] Alleged misgovernment Explanation: The kingdom of Oudh was the only great Indian state whose ruler Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was dispossessed on the ground of “intolerable misgovernment”. Awadh was annexed in February 1856 via a proclamation.
59. Who said that British established a robber state in Bengal between 1765 and 1772 ?
[A] G. W. Forrest
[B] Lord Macaulay
[C] K. M. Panikkar
[D] Nand Lal Chatterji
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Answer:[C] K. M. Panikkar Explanation: K. M. Panikkar was an Indian scholar, journalist, historian, administrator and diplomat. He wrote that between 1765-1772, British had “established a robber state where, without reference to the rights of the others, they freely plundered and looted under the cover of thier rights”.
60. The first victim of the British policy of Subsidiary Alliance was___?
(A) Avadh
[B] Mewar
[C] Mysore
[D] Hyderabad
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Answer: [D] Hyderabad Explanation: A subsidiary alliance is an alliance between a dominant nation and a nation that it dominates.The 1st victim of the policy of subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley was the Nizam of Hyderabad.
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