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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Modern Indian History and Freedom Struggle question bank

61. The Peshwa accepted the Subsidiary Alliance with the British via which among the following treaties?
[A] Treaty of Purandhar
[B] Treaty of Bassein
[C] Treaty of Salbai
[D] Treaty of Surji Arjungaon

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62. Under which among the following treaties, the British East India Company secured the Diwani right of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa ?
[A] Alinagar
[B] Faizabad
[C] Allahabad
[D] Benaras

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63. “The Meerut outbreak was sudden and short-lived like a summer gale”. This statement with reference to 1857 mutiny was of __?
[A] S. N. Sen
[B] S. B. Chaudhari
[C] V. D. Savarkar
[D] R. C. Majumdar

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64. In which among the following years, Bombay transferred to the East India Company by Charles II ?
[A] 1662 A.D.
[B] 1664 A.D.
[C] 1666 A.D.
[D] 1668 A.D.

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65. Hind Swaraj, a book by Mahatma Gandhi in 1909 was originally written in __?
[A] Hindi
[B] Urdu
[C] Gujarati
[D] English

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66. Fatehchand (one of the traitors of Plassey) was bestowed with the title of Jagath Seth by __?
[A] Alivardi Khan
[B] Sirajuddaula
[C] Mir Zafar
[D] Muhammad Shah

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67. Who was the Nawab of Bengal when the incident of “Black Hole” took place ?
[A] Mir Zafar
[B] Mir Qasim
[C] Alivardi Khan
[D] Sirajuddaula

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68. With reference to Bahadur Shah Zafar, which among the following statements is not true?
[A] He was an emperor without empire
[B] He was a warrior without any war experience
[C] Hassan Askari was his spiritual guide
[D] He succeeded to the throne in 1845 A.D.

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69. Who of the following wrote the first Indian poetic work in English?
[A] Kashi Prasad Ghosh
[B] Ramchandra Vidyavagish
[C] Krishna Mohan Banerjee
[D] Hariharanand

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70. The Portuguese built their first fortress in India at __?
[A] Cochin
[B] Goa
[C] Anjidiv
[D] Cannanore

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