1. Sir Sayyid
was born in 1817 in Delhi. His father was an officer in the court of
Muguals. He felt that the relations of the Muslims with the British
should be improved and therefore he brought out a paper with the title
of the ‘Loyal Muhammadans of India. He also inspired the
Muslims to adopt the Western education and the Western mode of
scientific thinking. He brought out an Urdu Paper with the title of
‘Tahaib-al-Akhlaq. In 1875 he found the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh, which later grew into the Aligarh Muslim University in 1920.
He opposed Polygamy, Purdah. William Graham wrote in the biography
of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan. He also founded the ‘Patritotic Association’
with the assistance of Raja Shivprasad of Banaras. Another
organization by the name Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental Defence Association
too was set up by him. He opposed it by calling it a Hindu
2. Deoband Movement
was founded by Maulanna Hussan Ahmad and Moulana Abul kalam Azad was
associated with it. represented by Mohammad Qasim Nanautavi
(1832-1880) and Rashid Ahamd Gangohi (1828-1916). Found the
‘Dar-ul-Ullema’ madarsa at Deoband,
b) Wahabi Movement started by Shah Walliullah. Sayid Ahmad Khan found Aligarh Movement Ahmadia movement by Mirza gulamAhmad .Arhar movement by Mula Mohammad Ali in 19110.
3. Muslim League:
The meeting of a Muslim delegation under the leadership of Aga Khan
with Viceroys of India, Lord Minot at Shimla in October 1906 was very
significant. Demands were for a separate electorate, more
representations in the Legislative Assembly and government services
the establishment of a Muslim University and provisions for Muslims
representation in the Viceroy’s Council. Muslims leaders gathered at a
meeting presided over by Nawab Wakar-ul-Mulk on 30 December 1906 at
the invitation of the Nawab Salim Ullah Khan of Dacca. The All Indian
Muslim League was the result of this conference. The Constitution of
the League was prepared in 1907 at Karachi. Aga Khan became the
President of the Muslim League. The objectives behind the formation
of the Muslim League were to create a sense of loyalty among the
Muslims towards the British Government, to safeguards the political
and other rights of the Muslims, to represent the aspirations and
sentiments of the Muslims interest and to appoint Sir Aga Kahn as the
permanent President of the League,-first session at Amristar. League
also supported the partition of Bengal.Nawab Salimullah of Dacca and
Nawab Moshin ul Mulk were others who were involved in formation of